What roadways does the Village maintain within the Village limits?
Mannheim Road, Zemke to Touhy Avenue
Higgins Road, East of River Rd. to Lee St.
Devon Avenue, River Rd. to Higgins Rd.
River Road, Devon to Foster Avenue
If you experience hazardous conditions on these roads, including any type of road damage, curb, or sidewalk damage, please contact the Public Works department at (847) 698-3744.
What are the water restrictions?
From May 15th through September 15th of each year it shall be unlawful for any person to use water for hose fed sprinkling or electronic irrigation of lawns on any day between the hours of 12:00 noon through 6:00 p.m. In addition, if your lot is located on an odd numbered lot, you may only water on odd numbered days of the month, and if your lot is located on an even numbered lot you may only water on even number days of the month. Also, it is unlawful for any person to water on the 31st day of any month. For more information please refer to Ordinance No. 2015-11-17 F or call the Public Works Department at 847-698-3744.
About The Sewer Unit
The Sewer Unit is responsible for all maintenance and repairs on the Village’s storm, and sanitary sewer systems as well as detention/retention basins and lift stations. The unit performs the following general duties:
Sewer main flushing
Sewer main root cutting
Lift Station cleaning
Catch basin maintenance and repair
Sewer main repairs
Sanitary sewer backup response
Flooding response
Televising sanitary sewers
Snow and ice control assistance
Main break repair assistance
About Water Meters
The Water Services Unit is responsible for maintaining all water meters within the Village. The unit currently maintains 363 Residential meters, and 371 Commercial meters within the Village. All Residential meters are read through our automatic read system, and most Commercial units. If you believe there is a problem with your meter, please contact the Public Works Department at 847-698-3744. Tampering with meters is unlawful, and is subject to prosecution.
What is JULIE? Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators:
Know what's below. Call Before You Dig. Illinois law requires all persons digging, regardless of the depth of the project, to call JULIE at least 48 hours prior to the start of excavation and to begin that excavation. The Village receives locate requests from the Illinois JULIE (Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators), who can be contacted at (800) 892-0123, or via their website. The Village responds to locate requests within 48 business hours for routine excavations, and within 2 hours for emergency excavations.
Underground Utility Locating:
What do the colored flags and/or paint marks on the ground and in the yard mean?
The marks are made by utility companies to identify the location of their underground facilities with paint and/or flags at the excavation site. These marks are placed in response to a request for utility locates before digging begins.
Water = Blue
Sanitary Sewer = Green
Storm Sewer = Green
Street Light Cables = Red
Fiber Optic Cables = Orange
Individual companies locate the following utilities:
NICOR (Natural Gas) = Yellow
ComEd (Electric) = Red
Telephone/Cable TV = Orange
Where can I make a payment?
Checks can be made payable to:
• The Village of Rosemont Public Works Department: 7048 N. Barry Street, Rosemont, IL 60018. Please allow seven (7) days for U.S. mail.
• 24 hour drop box available at Rosemont Public Works
• You may drop-off payments for water, lawn and snow removal at 6336 Kirschoff in the lock box (senior center). This is drop-off only.
ACH-Auto Pay
Contact Public Works to register: (847) 698-3744
Please contact the Public Works Department to start service. To stop service please notify Public Works seven (7) days prior to stopping water service.